Are you tired of scouring the internet only to be left confused on what is considered a healthy diet? Are you looking for credible nutrition advice that will get you to your goals? Then you'll want to seek out a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN)! Dietitians are credentialed nutrition experts trained to help you develop healthy habits and improve your nutrition status. Whether you have celiac disease, diabetes, or your child struggles with picky eating, there's a dietitian who specializes in that. Maybe you're looking to lose weight or want to learn how to eat a more plant-based diet, there's a dietitian for that too. In fact, there are many dietitians located in Colorado with various specialities waiting to help you out and get you or your loved one feeling their best.
If cost is a concern, be sure to check with your insurance plan to see if nutrition counseling is a covered service. Dietitians can also help you work with your food budget in mind making sure that everyone can have a healthy diet. Check out the list of dietitians below to find a dietitian that suites your needs.
The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics recognizes registered dietitian nutritionist as the nutrition expert. You can also find delicious recipes and general nutrition information on their website.